We are an audio dealer with a demo room in Long Island, NY and another in Queens, NYC. We encourage you to call us @ 631-240-3198 or shoot us an email at shawn@newlifeaudio.com at any time. We are more than happy to hear about your system, and will help guide you to make informed decisions to make the most out of what you currently have and help you build a system that will make you happy for years to come! Please make an appointment with us for a demo. If you prefer, we can come visit you at your house to evaluate your system in your own environment and demo at your home with your equipment.

Our Process
Our normal process is to listen to your needs and wants first. We want to hear what you are looking to get out of your system. Though it is uncomfortable for many people to discuss, we obviously need to understand your budget in order to best help you… But here’s the kicker: Many, many times, a person can spend (far) less than their budget and achieve their goals. Our goal is NOT to have you max out your budget. Our goal is to get you access to the best music. Sometimes it is best to spread out the purchasing dollars over an entire system. At other times, it is best to invest into 1 foundational piece of equipment with the intention of building onto that cornerstone. Let’s talk, reason together, so that you can make truly informed decisions. As we previously mentioned above, we would only suggest to you what we would do for ourselves, in our own homes.